Hospitaler@ at Donation based Pilgrims Place @ Camino de Santiago

(27 reseñas)27

La experiencia

For me it is important you work independently. Standard tasks are setting breakfast, preparing dinner, making beds, doing laundry, some cleaning. I have a garden as well, where I want to grow some vegetables again this year. If you are creative you can do some art stuff such as making more murals. If you are handy, you can do small repairs. Work is not hard, but I need to be able that you will perform the tasks after an initial explanation.

Que ofreces?

25 horas de ayuda por semana

Mano de Cocina: Ayuda a preparar, terminar y servir comidas.

Limpieza: Ayuda a limpiar la cocina, dormitorios, baños y áreas comunes.

Tareas Domésticas: Ayuda haciendo las camas y tareas domésticas.

Jardinería: Ayuda a plantar y cultivar jardines.

Lo que obtienes

2 dias libres por semana

Habitación del equipo: Tendrás una cama en un cuarto compartido con otras personas.

Desayuno: Tienes derecho a desayunos gratis cada día de tu estadía.

Almuerzo: Tienes derecho a almuerzos gratis cada día de tu estadía.

Cena: Tienes derecho a cenas gratis cada día de tu estadía.

Puedes usar libremente nuestra lavandería.: Hay un lugar especial donde se lava la ropa sin costo.

Excursiones gratis: Te llevamos a excursiones y caminatas por la ciudad, GRATIS.

Fiestas gratis: Obtén pases gratis a las mejores fiestas de la ciudad.

Bicicletas a tu disposición: Puedes usar nuestras bicicletas cuando quieras.

Traslado: Te buscaremos cuando llegues y te llevamos a nuestro lugar.

Utilice nuestra cocina equipada: Siéntete libre de usar nuestra cocina y preparar tu comida deliciosa.


Inglés Intermedio o Español Intermedio

Más de 18 años

Admite voluntarios solos, parejas y dúos de voluntarios

Lo que no está incluído

Vuelos, Seguro de Viaje, Transporte Interno y Visa

Programa detallado

The volunteer comes for a period of 10 days to 1 month. It is essential to have some experience in working without supervision and show initiative, see the tasks that need to be done without being told. I give an extensive introduction on arrival, show the place, the house, the tasks, the other volunteers, the village. The first day you follow the other volunteers while they perform the tasks. But basically, most tasks are straightforward. There are no fixed working hours, as it depends on the amount of pilgrims that arrive, but as there are enough volunteers, you never work more than a couple of hours a day on average. If both sides are satisfied and there is possibility, extension of the before agreed period is possible.

Actividades & Turnos

Small team (1-3) volunteers. Work load depend on amount of pilgrims, and your interest to do things. Not more than 5 hours normally. Put breakfast, clean it up later, change sheets and do Laundry later in the morning, bathroom cleaning Cook dinner. Depending on personal interest: develop garden, small repairs, artwork (murals)


Be a self starter, I give a basic intro and I am around, but do not like to have to tell people to perform the known tasks. I am quite flexible, just no heavy drinking, no loud parties, be responsible. Do not get up late every day.