Help as Gardener/cleaner on the beautiful Gold Coast Hinterland

A experiência

We are located on the beautiful Gold Coast hinterland (bush & countryside) about 15mins inland from the M1 & Mudgeeraba. There is no public transport so you must have your own vehicle/transport. We do have off street parking.
It is heavy work: shovelling & wheelbarrowing soil/mulch/compost &/or weeding, and many other jobs around the property.
You are welcome to use the kitchen to cook; I provide a share fridge & storage space for your food.

Como você ajuda

10 horas por semana

Ajuda na Limpeza: Ajude a limpar cozinhas, quartos, banheiros e outros espaços.

Jardinagem: Ajude a plantar, regar e cultivar jardins.

O que você ganha

2 dias livres por semana

Quarto privado: Você terá uma cama em um quarto privado, ou seja, um quarto só para você

Lavanderia gratuita: Você pode usar nossa lavanderia gratuitamente.

Use nossa cozinha equipada: Fique à vontade para usar nossa cozinha para cozinhar sua própria comida.

Internet de Alta Velocidade: Internet de alta velocidade para você trabalhar remotamente


Inglês Iniciante ou Inglês Iniciante

Entre 20 e 40 anos

Recebe voluntários sozinhos (não aceita casal ou duplas)

O que não está incluso

Passagens, seguro viagem, transporte e visto


We can offer one person accommodation in exchange for work (average of 10 hours per week)
This includes accommodation, all bills (water, electricity, wifi & Netflix), in your own room with queen bed, & share bathroom.

Atividades & Turnos

The work can be done @ anytime or day of the week (Saturday, Sunday & public holidays), as time depends on the weather: whether it’s too hot to work, or raining, whether I’m available or you are. Most people who stay work outside of the home as well, to earn exta income.
The majority of the work is heavy, physical work: shovelling & wheelbarrowing soil/mulch/compost &/or weeding, and many other jobs around the property.


We have two dogs & one cat so you must like animals.
We recycle everything. All fruit and vege waste is composted; all plastics, tins, or glass; are cleaned and put in the recycling bin, as well as paper and cardboard/or the 10c recycling bin.