Homestay Luz, Portugal

(4 avaliações)4

Digital Nomad Guesthouse - workation

Conecte-se com viajantes internacionais
3 viajantes recomendam esse anfitrião para conhecer pessoas de vários cantos do mundo
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3 viajantes realmente aprenderam sobre sustentabilidade colaborando com esse anfitrião
Aceita casais e duplas de voluntários
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Como você vai ajudar


Horas por semana
Colabore com seu anfitrião por algumas horinhas.
Tire, edite e entregue fotos sensacionais.
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O que você recebe


Dias livres por semana
Um tempinho livre para você curtir, explorar e descansar.
Quarto privado
Você terá uma cama em um quarto privado, ou seja, um quarto só para você
Café da manhã
Você ganha café da manhã gratuito todos os dias que ficar aqui.
Você ganha almoço gratuito todos os dias que ficar aqui.
Internet de Alta Velocidade
Internet de alta velocidade para você trabalhar remotamente
Espaço de Trabalho Dedicado
Espaço específico para você trabalhar remotamente
Use nossa cozinha equipada
Fique à vontade para usar nossa cozinha para cozinhar sua própria comida.
Lavanderia gratuita
Você pode usar nossa lavanderia gratuitamente.
Trilhas de graça
Te levamos para fazer excursões e trilhas pela cidade. De graça!
Bicicletas à vontade
Use nossas bikes à vontade, quando quiser.
Receba ajuda da equipe da Worldpackers caso precise em algum momento da viagem.
Anfitrião verificado
Esse anfitrião foi checado pela nossa equipe antes de entrar na comunidade.
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Fique pelo menos
1 semana
Fique até
2 semanas

A Experiência

Not a hostel - we are preparing our beautiful guesthouse for professionals to spend workations at. We are looking for volunteers (solo or couple) who help with the household and with preparing the guesthouse for the season. You will have the house to yourself but my brother and I live on the premises nearby. Daily task will be preparing meals. Alternating tasks will be painting walls, gardening and renovations.

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  • Inglês Fluente ou Português Iniciante
  • Entre 19 e 40 anos
  • Recebe voluntários sozinhos, casais e duplas de voluntários

O que não está incluso

Passagens, seguro viagem, transporte e visto

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4 avaliações


Anfitrião & Equipe


Horas & Tarefas




Aprendizado & Diversão


Como essa experiência vai te transformar

  • 3 Me conectei com viajantes internacionais
  • 3 Aprendi sobre sustentabilidade
  • 2 Me conectei com a natureza
  • 2 Desenvolvi minha consciência ambiental
  • 2 Pratiquei Inglês
  • 1 Tive um impacto social real

Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável que esse anfitrião contribui

  • 2 13. Ação contra a mudança global do clima



My time here has been truly wonderful, leaving me with a sense of not wanting to leave. Michael and Marcel have played a significant role in creating this incredible experience. I'm immensely grateful for their welcoming and comfortable presence. We've seamlessly adapted to this place, working diligently while also enjoying our leisure time together amidst the beautiful surroundings.

10 meses atrás



This experience has been wonderful, so much that I'm leaving this place feeling like I didn't have enough time to explore and to embrace my daily life as part of a very comforting routine. This feeling I have is thanks to Michael and his brother Marcel. I'm extremely grateful for how they made me feel. Michael has made every effort since the very beginning to make me feel welcomed and comfortable. It hasn't been difficult at all to adapt to this place :). We have worked, but we've also made the most of our free time. The surrounding are beautiful, and some days we've done activities together.

11 meses atrás

Estados Unidos


Overall, I had a good experience. Michael and Marcel were very kind and good vibes most of the time. I will say I did have to room with guys which was a bit of a surprise but I just as easily could have slept on the couch and it wasn't a problem for me personally. Sometimes there was unclear communication from Michael about when we were to work and some uncomfortable moments in conversation. But overall I had a really fun time working on the projects and the accommodation is really nice.

10 meses atrás

Michael respondeu

It was in the description that it can be a mixed dorm which in our case was a big room previously used as an Airbnb with outstanding reviews.
Marcel and I were very easy on the volunteers and Meghan. We let them sleep to their preferred hours and instead of 5h only had 3hours work time. We worked on a trust basis which most other volunteers appreciated and did well with being proactive which Meghan lacked to be. Unless being micro-managed she would hang out by the pool or on the bed during work hours.

Estados Unidos


I really enjoyed this experience. however, i have to admit, i am a bit disappointed as i did not truly feel included in the program. when we did do business experience micheal would give us a task and leave us alone for hours. it truly made me upset to see on my last day micheal was collaborating more with the new volunteers than he had with me. or he would constantly mention the new volunteers that were coming and their work experience. i felt very unhelpful although i tried to be of use. i wish i had more experience but i am very grateful for the program. the beaches nearby are beautiful.

11 meses atrás

Michael respondeu

Thank you for the feedback. I wish you had communicated about your unease openly with me. Unfortunately, I don't have the capacities to work side by side much more. We went over the tasks prior and post execution and I was really delighted with your work. I talked about the upcoming new volunteers in the way that they would build upon what you have done. E.g., it was your analysis that made me truly distinguish on the target market. I am sorry that you perceived it differently.
I want to make clear though that all volunteers with their skills are highly appreciated. At no point did I feel that you were less valuable. I did not sense the unease in confidence and will try to be more conscious about it. You did a great job and above all what counts is work ethis which you surpassed in showing more than any other volunteers with more work experience. Keep that up and you will have a great carreer and wherever you go, you will be much appreciated - like you were here :)

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Sobre o anfitrião

Anfitrião: Michael

Taxa de Resposta
Esse anfitrião costuma responder 100% das conversas
Tempo de Resposta
Esse anfitrião costuma responder em 2 dias

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Se o anfitrião achar que você se encaixa bem na vaga, você será pré-aprovado.

Prepare documentações e passagens necessárias para o seu voluntariado.

Confirme sua viagem para ter toda a segurança da Worldpackers.

Viva sua experiência transformadora e impacte positivamente o mundo.

Caso algo saia do combinado com o anfitrião, conte com a Proteção WP e nossa equipe de suporte altamente ágil!

Depois do seu voluntariado, você e seu anfitrião trocam avaliações.

Com avaliações positivas, você se destaca para os anfitriões e ainda recebe mais benefícios.

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