Escola sem fins lucrativos Iringa, Tanzânia

(16 avaliações)16

Improve our Social Media and Teach Computer Skills

Ajude um projeto sustentável
4 viajantes confirmaram que este anfitrião contribui ativamente para a construção de um futuro mais sustentável para todos!
Maior chance de aprovação
Anfitriões que aprovaram voluntários recentemente e buscam por mais aplicações.
Tenha um impacto social real
11 viajantes realmente sentiram seu impacto social colaborando com esse anfitrião
Conecte-se com pessoas locais
9 viajantes recomendam esse anfitrião para ter um contato próximo com locais
Precisa de alguém agora!
Aceita casais e duplas de voluntários
Salvar na Wishlist

Como você vai ajudar


Horas por dia
Colabore com seu anfitrião por algumas horinhas.
Produção de Vídeo
Crie, edite e produza material em vídeo.
Tire, edite e entregue fotos sensacionais.
Mídias Sociais
Tome conta das mídias sociais.
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O que você recebe


Dias livres por semana
Um tempinho livre para você curtir, explorar e descansar.
Quarto privado
Você terá uma cama em um quarto privado, ou seja, um quarto só para você
Café da manhã
Você ganha café da manhã gratuito todos os dias que ficar aqui.
Você ganha jantar gratuito todos os dias que ficar aqui.
Eventos de graça
Ganhe entrada gratuita para os melhores eventos da cidade.
Aulas de idiomas
Participe gratuitamente das aulas de idioma no nosso espaço.
Carona na chegada
Te buscamos na sua chegada a cidade e damos uma carona até aqui.
Ganhe um certificado de conclusão quando for embora.
Receba ajuda da equipe da Worldpackers caso precise em algum momento da viagem.
Anfitrião verificado
Esse anfitrião foi checado pela nossa equipe antes de entrar na comunidade.
Proteção WP
Algo não saiu como combinado? Entre em contato com a nossa equipe.
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Fique pelo menos
2 semanas
Fique até
6 semanas

A Experiência

The volunteer teaches computer skills in our specific room for it. We have a few desktop machines with Windows 7. You can teach them anything about the Internet, Office, Social Media, Editing Software, etc. We use a dongle with a SIM Card data package for the Internet. Wi-FI is not available at the training center. Your work also includes improving our Social Media. We use Facebook and Website to promote in the Internet.

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  • Inglês Iniciante ou Inglês Iniciante
  • Entre 18 e 80 anos
  • Recebe voluntários sozinhos, casais e duplas de voluntários

O que não está incluso

Passagens, seguro viagem, transporte e visto

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Fale com quem já viveu a experiência

Na nossa comunidade, você pode conversar com worldpackers que já colaboraram com esse anfitrião e tirar suas dúvidas diretamente.

Sugestão do que perguntar:

  • a) Como foi sua experiência no anfitrião?
  • b) Como era seu dia-a-dia?
  • c) Quanto gastou nessa viagem?

16 avaliações


Anfitrião & Equipe


Horas & Tarefas


Escola Sem Fins Lucrativos


Aprendizado & Diversão


Como essa experiência vai te transformar

  • 11 Tive um impacto social real
  • 9 Me conectei com pessoas locais
  • 9 Tive uma imersão na cultura local
  • 7 Desenvolvi minha consciência social
  • 6 Pratiquei Inglês
  • 5 Me conectei com a natureza

Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável que esse anfitrião contribui

  • 4 4. Educação de qualidade
  • 4 5. Igualdade de gênero
  • 2 3. Saúde de qualidade



Nossa experiência com o projeto foi muito gratificante, Daudi foi muito presente e sempre preocupado com o nosso bem estar. Não tivemos nenhum problema , todos os requisitos acordados foram cumpridos. Sobre o projeto, tivemos bastante liberdade pra montar nossas aulas e conseguimos levar bastante dos nosso conhecimentos para às atividades. Ficamos muito felizes em poder participar dessa experiência.

quase 2 anos atrás

Daudi respondeu

From a first day I met with you; I discovered and understood that you are a good person Mayron and also we liked you very much because you were so hard worker daily, your contribution at our college we will never forget you forever, you improved much the performance of the students about game and sport at the pitch and everyone here remembering you our friend from Brazil. Thanks God because now we are relatives each other not only friends, welcome again in Tanzania next time



Nossa experiência com o projeto foi muito gratificante, Daudi foi muito presente e sempre preocupado com nosso bem estar. Não tivemos nenhum problema, todos os requisitos acordados foram cumpridos. Sobre o projeto, tivemos bastante liberdade pra montar nossas aulas e conseguimos levar bastante dos nossos conhecimentos para às atividades. Ficamos muito felizes em poder participar dessa experiência.

quase 2 anos atrás

Daudi respondeu

Sarah thank you very much, thank for your good heart ❤️❤️ and also thank you for coming in Tanzania at Turnbulltech College; I appreciate you so much the way you look like because you are so humble, great girl, passion with your work, great performance daily therefore your contribution was huge at our College for teaching languages and community also so we will never and ever forget you because you did everything in passion.

Absolutely Sarah see you again next time as we discussed before leaving at the airport in Tanzania.

Reino Unido


Daudi is an outstanding host and the school is a wonderful place! Daudi and his family are welcoming, caring and extremely helpful. In fact, after a few days, I felt embraced by the whole village! It's clear that Daudi appreciates his guests and the experiences that they bring to his students. He showed a deep commitment to me to ensure that I got as much out of my trip as possible. As for the students - I have been teaching for nearly fifteen years but I have never known a more enthusiastic, committed group of learners! I wholeheartedly recommend this experience!

3 meses atrás

Daudi respondeu

I was so excited with Mr. Adam the way he was working hard everyday! He was making sure all things are going good and smoothly, the knowledge he provided to our students and us in generally was so super and everyone appreciated him because he want to see the college is extending to be bigger. He was flexible to help us in many ways especially Chinese language class. He know many things because he is a professional teacher. My society was so happy with him everywhere here in Iringa because he know how to live with people. We have a plan in October this year 2024.



The commitment they expected when I arrived was pretty much what was described here on worldpackers platform. Starting from the stay, Daudi and his family were very hospitable made me feel at home from day one. They helped me arrange everything so that I'm comfortable and helped me explore a bit around Iringa, the beautiful town with breathtaking landscapes. The teaching experience was also great. The students were very enthusiastic about learning foreign languages, it was such a blast to work with them. I would definitely recommend this place to other volunteers.Daudi is a very helpful person

3 meses atrás

Daudi respondeu

As the host from Turnbull Tech College in Tanzania, I don't have enough and more words to speak out because Madam Nourhan was so friendly, hard worker and kind too. She was helping us teaching students the Germany language since day one she arrived also she assisted me to know some applications like Airbnb app and know we have Airbnb people enjoying so much also some official things making sure we are moving similar with the changes of the World in technology in terms of computing. But also she was so wise all the time thus why I, board members and my staffs we were very happy with her without forgetting my community. Hopeful we gona be meeting very soon for the future.



There are not enough words to explain my gratitude and my love for this people that taught me so much in just a few days . Mr.Daudi is a very nice and cooperative person who always tries to make sure that everything is okay and help you in your goal . The students are the sweetest on this planet .all members are so committed to humanity ,God,Love and patience . That is unbelievable the filling you get once you meet them.I leave this the school for now ,but with the promise of coming back .if you have the opportunity to come,please do ,it will be one of the best experiences of your life.😍❤️

4 meses atrás

Daudi respondeu

Omg! Beher and his wife they were good people to me and to my students also all staffs in general I will never forget them because they were hard worker everyday at college. Beher taught me French and Arabic languages all the days, I liked it because now I can speak and help others what does it mean in terms of languages he taught me! We are in contact both of us; so hopeful very soon I will visit their home countries because we are more than friends. Charming people all the time.

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Sobre o anfitrião

  • Recentemente Online

Anfitrião: Daudi

Taxa de Resposta
Esse anfitrião costuma responder 100% das conversas
Tempo de Resposta
Esse anfitrião costuma responder em Menos de um dia
22 vídeos publicados
Esse anfitrião possui 22 vídeos mostrando um pouco do local

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