Siembra y cosecha. Construcción y mantenimiento.

(2 reviews)2

The experience

Construcción de bancal de siembra, rellenar de paja, hojas, composta y tierra. Siembra de cultivos menores y siembra de arboles, mantenimiento y poda. Reciclaje, supra construcción de material reciclado, en algunos casos, pintura y tratamientos ecologicos en el area.

What you offer

25 hours of help per week

Building & Repairing: Help with a wide range of repairs or building.

Farming: Plant crops, sow seeds and help in outside tasks.

Gardening: Help grow plants and cultivate gardens

What you get

2 days off per week

Tent: You will sleep in a tent at a camping site.

Breakfast: You are entitled to a free breakfast, every day of your stay.

Dinner: You are entitled to a free dinner, every day of your stay.

Discounts on Drinks: Get discounts for drinks and beverages from our bar.

Discounts on Accommodation: Get discounts for your stay in other hostels.

Pick Up: We will pick you up when you arrive, and take you to our property.

Use our equipped kitchen: Feel free to use our kitchen and make your own delicious food.


Intermediate Spanish or Intermediate English

Between 18 and 60 years old

Welcomes solo volunteers, couples, and partners of volunteers

What's not included

Flights, Travel Insurance, Internal Transportation and Visa

Program Details

Enfoque ecológico

Activities & Shift


