Colabore em um Paraíso ecológico no coração da mata Atlântica!

(2 reviews)2

The experience

Olá voluntários! Buscamos pessoas com habilidade em construção, carpintaria e acabamentos. Serão muito bem recebidos neste espaço mágico!

What you offer

25 hours of help per week

Building & Repairing: Help with a wide range of repairs or building.

Gardening: Help grow plants and cultivate gardens

Additional fee required

Amount: R$ 20 Per day

Fee pays for: Benefits for travelers

Description: Voluntários contribuem com uma taxa de 20 reais por dia para cobrir os gastos da comida de boa qualidade, da energia, da hospedagem em chalés individuais, e da manutenção do Sitio.

What you get

2 days off per week

Private Room: You will have a bed in a private room. In other words, a room just for you.

Shared Dorm: You will have a bed in a shared room, which means you will share the same room with other travelers.

Breakfast: You are entitled to a free breakfast, every day of your stay.

Lunch: You are entitled to a free lunch, every day of your stay.

Dinner: You are entitled to a free dinner, every day of your stay.

Discounts on Parties: Get discounts at nearby parties and clubs.

Discounts on Accommodation: Get discounts for your stay in other hostels.

Holistic Therapies: You can take part in any of our therapeutic activities for free.

Use our equipped kitchen: Feel free to use our kitchen and make your own delicious food.


Intermediate Portuguese or Intermediate English

Between 22 and 52 years old

Welcomes solo volunteers, couples, and partners of volunteers

What's not included

Flights, Travel Insurance, Internal Transportation and Visa

Program Details

Programa de voluntariado classico com hospedagem e refeições em troca de serviços

Activities & Shift

Início do turno às 8 horas. Mínimo de 3 horas de serviço pela manha


3 Refeições por dia com hora marcada. O Cardápio é feito pela fazenda e nao pela pessoa. Merendas entre as refeições não estão incluidas.