Hostel Glencoe, Reino Unido

(7 reseñas)7

Help our fundraising pop-up hostel in the moss kingdom of Glencoe

Aprende sobre sostenibilidad
3 viajeros han tenido la experiencia de aprender sostenibilidad a través del voluntariado con este anfitrión
Conéctate con viajeros internacionales
3 viajeros recomiendan a este anfitrión para conocer a personas de diferentes lugares del mundo
Admite parejas y dúos de voluntario
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Que ofreces


Horas por semana
Ayuda y colabora solo por algunas horas a la semana.
Mano de Cocina
Ayuda a preparar, terminar y servir comidas.
Ayuda a limpiar la cocina, dormitorios, baños y áreas comunes.
Tareas Domésticas
Ayuda haciendo las camas y tareas domésticas.
Ayuda a plantar y cultivar jardines.
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Que obtienes


Días libres por semana
Un tiempo libre para explorar la cuidad o descansa un rato.
Habitación del equipo
Tendrás una cama en un cuarto compartido con otras personas.
Tienes derecho a desayunos gratis cada día de tu estadía.
Tienes derecho a almuerzos gratis cada día de tu estadía.
Tienes derecho a cenas gratis cada día de tu estadía.
Puedes usar libremente nuestra lavandería.
Hay un lugar especial donde se lava la ropa sin costo.
Recibe ayuda del equipo de soporte Worldpackers si la necesitas en cualquier etapa de tu viaje.
Anfitriones verificado
Este anfitrión ha sido verificado por nuestro equipo antes de unirse a la comunidad.
Protección WP
¿Algo ha sido diferente a lo acordado? Ponte en contacto con nuestro equipo.
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Quédate al menos
2 semanas
Quédate hasta
5 semanas

La Experiencia

The primary role of our volunteers will be to help with the daily cleaning/changeover, which takes place between 11am-3pm whilst the reception is closed. The on duty receptionist to be supervising/ assisting you. It's not very glamorous, but with many hands its also not that much work and will rarely last 4 hours.

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  • Inglés Principiante
  • Más de 18 años
  • Admite voluntarios solos, parejas y dúos de voluntarios

Lo que no está incluído

Vuelos, Seguro de Viaje, Transporte Interno y Visa

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Hable con los que vivieron la experiencia

En nuestra comunidad, puede hablar con worldpackers que ya han colaborado con este anfitrión y obtener respuestas a sus preguntas.

Puedes preguntar cosas como:

  • a) ¿Cómo fue tu experiencia con este anfitrión?
  • b) ¿Cómo fue tu rutina diaria?
  • c) ¿Cuánto gastaste en este viaje?

7 Reseñas


Anfitrión y Equipo


Horas y Tareas




Aprendizaje y Diversión


Cómo esta experiencia te transformará

  • 3 Aprendí sobre sostenibilidad
  • 3 Me conecté con viajeros internacionales
  • 3 Me conecté con la naturaleza
  • 3 Me conecté con los habitantes
  • 2 Desarrollé mi conciencia ambiental
  • 2 Me sumergí en la cultura local.



This place is peaceful and fun at the same time. It's a beautiful immersion in Scottish nature.😍 I loved being with you, it's one of the most beautiful places I've ever been! I was there in August and the weather was pleasant, the hostel is super comfortable and has a super equipped kitchen for volunteers. The managers are lovely and always on hand for our needs. I loved every day I was there, I hope to return soon! I recommend it 100%. It was an honor to be with you, thank you!✅️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

hace 8 meses



This was my first experience, and it was amazing. Sam helped me a lot through the process, and Gaja is incredible, I felt very connected. The work is not difficult and you have all the time to explore the surroundings. Glencoe is a place very small. If you are looking for something away from the city and to be able to connect with nature, I recommend it 100%. I made many new friends, saw beautiful landscapes and I had a great time. I hope to come back soon!

hace 9 meses

Samuel respondido

I was too slow to leave Samantha a proper review, but she definitely deserves 5/5! Fantastic worker, wonderful energy, mature with a joyous youthful energy. Every time I asked how the volunteers are getting on I heard 'Samantha is amazing'. We were blessed to have to her with us! You're most welcome back anytime pal!



Glencoe is great, really beautiful! We got along with the whole team, with the guests, with Gaïa. Good atmosphere since we arrived. Hours and tasks are fair. We were supposed to stay 1 month. After 10 days, Sam told us we failed the "probation" period. I asked him what was the reason for his decision, he had no explanation, he just said, I quote : "The work was perfect, it's not about the work, I can't explain it in words, I see the world in vibrations". I still do not understand. Make sure you have saving before coming so you can book a camping spot or a room somewhere just in case!

hace 9 meses

Samuel respondido

They agreed to come for 2 weeks with the hope of extending it to the full month. They were well informed in advance and reminded upon arrival that two weeks was the minimum commitment and we'd talk after a week. Their work, fake quotes aside, was far from perfect, though it was ok, but we didn't so much enjoy how they interacted with our space/us and we decided to stick with the minimum two weeks. Afterwards came a strop, a pity parade, and a weird attempt to distort reality, which has unsurprisingly continued into this review, but we have and never will agree to taking anyone for more than two weeks before knowing them. Bon chance et bon courage.



My experience with the hostel was better than I ever could have imagined. Upon arriving everyone, including the staff and other volunteers were so kind and welcoming. The work was pretty basic but never lasted long and was fun because we all did it together. Food was incredibly well catered, we did lots of cooking together and the food was always amazing quality. One of the things I loved most about this stay was the location, there are plenty of hikes, lakes and swimmable rivers, one of which runs against the property. I genuinely was blown away how lucky I got with this host.

hace más de 1 año



Cold river baths, nights next to the fireplace, great people, a lot of board games and loads of hiking. I couldn't have imagined better first volunteering place. We got clear instructions about cleaning and the work was taking us about 3/4h a day. Everything as we agreed. If my English would've been better I would describe Sam with some amazing epithets because this guy is something! I enjoyed all the conversations and curiosities he shared with me and even though I was asking him many times to repeat what he said (because my English is poor) he didn't give up. Thank you for that pal :)

hace más de 1 año

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Sobre el anfitrión

Alojado por Samuel

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