Garden, Livestock and General Farm Help

United States


My stay at the farm was very peaceful and immersive in nature — exactly what I needed. Mike has a lot of experience hosting and my room was very comfortable & cozy. I appreciated the flexibility of the work & hours, mostly consisting of gardening, helping with the animals, and keeping the house tidy, all of which I enjoyed doing. There's so much life at the farm, and I can imagine even more so in the spring & summer. The town was ~30 minute walk and a lovely place to be.

3 months ago



I really enjoyed my time here, it was the perfect place for me to just relax after travelling for a while. The work is pretty easy, for me it was mainly gardening and organising the house on rainy days from around 9am-4pm with a lunch break. The animals were really cute and easy to feed when I had to do it. Overall I definitely recommend this stay for other travellers!

3 months ago

United States


I had a great time at here. Lots of prior worldpackers came to visit from years ago. I met a lot of local friends as they continually stopped by for a visit. This has been one of the best places for local immersion into the Irish community. There are so many things to do on my free time I will not get them all done. Town is close by an easy walk or a short bike ride. Ireland is the happiest place on earth, or maybe it's just Mikes place.

12 months ago

United States


There were three other volunteers there when I arrived - all were really lovely and made the first part of my stay an incredible experience. I feel very fortunate to have met them and call them friends. I interacted and cared for sheep, chickens, and pigs. Margot, the mama pig, is such a smart and sweet girl. There are a lot of different tasks to do. I especially enjoyed one-on-one time with the animals and foraging.

7 months ago

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