Help an Indigenous Tribe to grow food in the Philippines

(2 reseñas)2

La experiencia

As we aim to teach the Matigsalug Tribe to take advantage of their vast forest land, help us show them some new farm technologies to add to their indigenous practices. Volunteer tasks can include seed sowing, nursery setup and systems, land prep, garden maintenance, designing edible landscapes, composting, and harvest techniques. We charge a U$D200 fee/week for project expenses and supplies.

Que ofreces?

30 horas de ayuda por semana

Ayuda en Granjas Eco: Siembra, cosecha y ayuda con tareas del campo.

Cuota extra requerida

Valor: US$ 200 Por semana

Cuantía destinada a: Beneficios para los voluntarios, Materiales para las actividades de los voluntarios y Donaciones al proyecto

Descripción: Volunteers pay $200 a week to help cover for all meals, water and electricity (gen set as there is currently no electricity in the area), internet access (Starlink) and transportation from the city proper and back to city at the beginning and end of the volunteer period. Most cost are for 3rd Party supplied services.

Lo que obtienes

2 dias libres por semana

Habitación compartida: Tendrás una cama en un cuarto compartido con otros viajeros.

Desayuno: Tienes derecho a desayunos gratis cada día de tu estadía.

Almuerzo: Tienes derecho a almuerzos gratis cada día de tu estadía.

Cena: Tienes derecho a cenas gratis cada día de tu estadía.

Descuentos en tours: Obtén descuentos en tours y excursiones de la ciudad.

Descuentos en alojamiento: Obtén descuentos para quedarte en otros hostales.

Tours gratis: Te llevamos a tours y paseos por la ciudad, GRATIS.

Excursiones gratis: Te llevamos a excursiones y caminatas por la ciudad, GRATIS.

Tragos gratis: Obtén tragos y comidas gratis.

Traslado: Te buscaremos cuando llegues y te llevamos a nuestro lugar.

Internet de Alta Velocidad: Internet de alta velocidad para trabajar remotamente

Espacio de Trabajo Dedicado: Espacio específico para trabajar remotamente


Inglés Principiante

Entre 18 y 55 años

Admite voluntarios solos, parejas y dúos de voluntarios

Curso de la Academy Cómo ser un Worldpacker increíble

Seguro de viaje

Lo que no está incluído

Vuelos, Seguro de Viaje, Transporte Interno y Visa

Programa detallado

Matigsalug Green Farming Frontier

Farm the future with the Matigsalug tribe! Blend traditional wisdom with modern techniques to sow the seeds of sustainable farming.

Tasks and Activities can include the following :
Collaborate with local farmers to understand traditional farming techniques.
Research and introduce sustainable farming practices.
Organize workshops and training sessions for local farmers.
Monitor the adoption and impact of new farming techniques.
Document and share success stories.

We will have several team members who will help and guide you as well as have a proper volunteer briefing where we all work together to achieve this goal.

Actividades & Turnos

Shift will be 7am to 3pm with a lunch break at 12-1pm

Activities can include :


Orientation: A walk through the farm, understanding traditional farming methods and challenges.

Role Definition: Tasks might include researching sustainable farming methods, assisting in implementing new techniques, or setting up workshops for farmers.

Skill Workshops: Offer sessions on organic farming, permaculture design, or innovative farming technologies.

Cultural Exchange: Engage in traditional farming activities and share global success stories of sustainable farming.

Feedback Sessions: Discuss the feasibility and efficiency of newly introduced techniques.


No noise after 9PM
No illegal drugs