
  • Idade: 32
  • Nacionalidade: Argentina
  • Idiomas: Português, Italiano, Inglês e Espanhol


  • Inglês
  • Espanhol
  • Português
  • Italiano


Sou expert!
  • Mídias Sociais
  • Desenvolvimento Web
Alguma experiência
  • Preparar Refeições
  • Fotografia
  • Produção de Vídeo
Quero aprender
  • Ensinar Idiomas

Sobre mim como autor

Desarrolladora web y viajera. Siento pasión por recorrer el mundo, por conocer nuevas culturas y descubrir lugares diferentes. Viajar me hace feliz, y me gusta compartir tips y consejos para quienes buscan planificar su propia aventura.

Experiências de vida


I've recently graduated as a Systems Analyst in the City of Buenos Aires. I have done many courses related to languages (English, Italian and Portuguese) and Web and Mobile Development, as well as some Graphic Design courses (mostly online). I also love photography and social media in general, so I can help with that too!

Experiências profissionais

I worked in Technical support for almost three years and gained a lot of knowledge in the field; I also had to deal every day with both national and international clients, so I got used to dealing with people and different problems every day. In 2015 I've started working as a Web Developer at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council and it has been a very rewarding experience so far. I also work as a freelance designer in my free time: I take photographs, edit banners and make social media look a little bit better. I love photography and I have been getting better at it (you can check some of my pictures in my Instagram account, @danicoccorullo). We've recently started a Digital Marketing project of our own with some friends, so we keep on learning every day.

Experiências de viagem

I've been living in London for about a month and a half to improve my English and I absolutely fell in love with the city. It was an amazing experience. I have also been in different countries in Europe, and also around the US and the caribbean. I have also visited Chile, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, and I am looking forward to keep on exploring Latin America. I travel with my boyfriend and we can't wait for the next adventure to begin! We'll be travelling around Europe from November 2018.